"정신대 문제에 대한 일본의 사과가 합당하냐"라는 주제의 CNN여론 조사가 사과할 필요가 없다 라는 압도적 지지를 받으며 마쳐진 충격적 사실이 발표되고 아베 총리의 정신대 증거없다는 사과 거부 발언에 대해 한인 사회의 반일감정이 고조 되고 있는 가운데 산라파엘 장로교회(양재욱 목사)의 평화적 노력이 눈길을 끌고 있다.
산라파엘 장로 교회의 성도들은 각기 주소와 성명을 담은 서신을 작성하여 간절한 한국의 입장을 국회의장인 Nancy Pelosi에게 전달하기로 결정했다.
그들은 그동안 힘들게 노력하여 겨우 상정된 house resolution 121이 상정도 되지 않은 채 무참히 무산될 수 있는 상황에 놓여있다고 안타까워 하며 다음과 같은 서신을 작성했다.
SUBJECT: Support of House Resolution 121, Dear Honorable Speaker Madam Pelosi:
As a proud citizen of the United States of America and a faithful supporter of the actions taken by the U.S. House of Representatives, I am writing this letter in my support of House Resolution 121 submitted by Congressman Mike Honda and his co-sponsors - six members of the U.S. House of Representatives coming from both sides of the House. I want This Resolution to be adopted at this session of the Congress without fail. Madam Speaker Pelosi, you have on your hand an official record of testimonies by three survived
former "Sex Slaves"of the Imperial Japanese Army during the World War II in the Pacific(1941-1945). Most of 300,000 plus survivors of the so-called 'Corps of Comfort Women'have died with their life long grief and shame. The 62 years have passed by since Japan's
unconditional surrendering end of the World War II, but to this date, there in none of any official apologies from the post-war Japan about their barbaric sexual atrocities exercised by the Imperial Japanese Army upon these members of 'Corps of Comfort Women'
and these barbaric crimes against humanity. This is wrong, and justice must be done in the name of common humanity. I have a high hope and expectation for the U.S. Congress to do justice about this by guiding the Japanese government leaders to officially admit their
war-time crimes and brutal atrocities of 'Sex Slavery' practice. I strongly urge you Madam Speaker to make sure This Resolution is brought to a vote in this
current session.)
종군 위안부 결의안 통과여부는 CNN 투표 결과를 반증하는 중요한 전환점이 될 수 있을 것으로 보여지며, 워싱턴 정신대 대책협의회 서옥자 회장은 민주, 공화 양당에서 긍정적인 반응을 얻고 있는 만큼 이번 의회에서는 통과 전망이 밝다고 내다보기도 했다.
산라파엘 장로 교회의 성도들은 각기 주소와 성명을 담은 서신을 작성하여 간절한 한국의 입장을 국회의장인 Nancy Pelosi에게 전달하기로 결정했다.
그들은 그동안 힘들게 노력하여 겨우 상정된 house resolution 121이 상정도 되지 않은 채 무참히 무산될 수 있는 상황에 놓여있다고 안타까워 하며 다음과 같은 서신을 작성했다.
SUBJECT: Support of House Resolution 121, Dear Honorable Speaker Madam Pelosi:
As a proud citizen of the United States of America and a faithful supporter of the actions taken by the U.S. House of Representatives, I am writing this letter in my support of House Resolution 121 submitted by Congressman Mike Honda and his co-sponsors - six members of the U.S. House of Representatives coming from both sides of the House. I want This Resolution to be adopted at this session of the Congress without fail. Madam Speaker Pelosi, you have on your hand an official record of testimonies by three survived
former "Sex Slaves"of the Imperial Japanese Army during the World War II in the Pacific(1941-1945). Most of 300,000 plus survivors of the so-called 'Corps of Comfort Women'have died with their life long grief and shame. The 62 years have passed by since Japan's
unconditional surrendering end of the World War II, but to this date, there in none of any official apologies from the post-war Japan about their barbaric sexual atrocities exercised by the Imperial Japanese Army upon these members of 'Corps of Comfort Women'
and these barbaric crimes against humanity. This is wrong, and justice must be done in the name of common humanity. I have a high hope and expectation for the U.S. Congress to do justice about this by guiding the Japanese government leaders to officially admit their
war-time crimes and brutal atrocities of 'Sex Slavery' practice. I strongly urge you Madam Speaker to make sure This Resolution is brought to a vote in this
current session.)
종군 위안부 결의안 통과여부는 CNN 투표 결과를 반증하는 중요한 전환점이 될 수 있을 것으로 보여지며, 워싱턴 정신대 대책협의회 서옥자 회장은 민주, 공화 양당에서 긍정적인 반응을 얻고 있는 만큼 이번 의회에서는 통과 전망이 밝다고 내다보기도 했다.
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