김신애 사모가 수술 이후 점차 의식 회복하면서 지속적인 기도가 요청된다.
현재 김신애 사모는 의식이 많이 돌아와 아들 백세인 군을 만나기도 했지만, 급성 패혈증으로 생사를 오가며 겪었던 육체적 정신적 충격과 고통이 여전한 상태다.
무엇보다 지금부터는 재활이라는 현실적인 장벽을 앞둔 상태여서 김신애 사모가 희망을 잃지 않고 강한 의지로 재활 과정을 이겨낼 수 있도록, 그녀를 돌보는 가족들이 지치지 않도록, 재활 및 의족, 의수 비용이 마련되도록 기도해 달라고 강제철 전도사가 전해왔다.
강제철 전도사는 "현재까지 한인교계와 이민사회에서 많은 모금을 해주셔서 감사 드린다. 이제부터 재활 센터에서 몇 개월을 보내야 하는데, 시민권자가 아니어서 병원비도 그렇고 재활비에 대한 부담이 크다. 더 큰 문제는 한쪽당 10만 불이 넘는 의족, 의수 비용인데 미 주류사회에서 발벗고 나서서 도와줬으면 하는 바람이다. 중보기도를 계속해 달라"고 부탁했다.
구체적인 기도제목은 아래와 같다.
1. 김신애 사모가 의식이 많이 돌아왔는데 정신적, 육체적 충격에서 회복되도록
2. 수술과 현재의 상황 때문에 많이 낙담하지 않도록
3. 빨리 호흡기와 약을 뗄 수 있도록
4. 가장 좋은 재활센터와 의족, 의수를 받을 수 있도록
5. 재정적 필요가 채워지도록(병원비, 재활비, 의족, 의수를 위해)
6. 가족들 모두가 지치지 않도록
7. 남편 백성인 전도사의 어머니가 아들 세인이를 데리고 5월에 한국을 방문하는데, 관광비자를 받을 때 미국 영사의 마음을 움직여 비자를 받는데 어려움 없이 무사히 미국에 들어와 이 가족을 돌보실 수 있도록
김신애 사모를 위한 기도, 후원에 대한 문의는 강제철 전도사(817-718-4204).
한편, 지역언론 11Alive 등에서 김신애 사모에 대한 보도를 내보내는 등 관심을 보였지만, 아직까지 특별한 연락은 없는 상태라고 한다. 가능하다면 미국 언론과 단체에서도 관심을 보여 주길 바란다고 강제철 정도사는 덧붙였다.
김신애 사모에 대한 영문 소개는 다음과 같다.
Help pastor’s wife Shin Ae Kim (Help this family to make smile again)
Shin Ae Kim was recently diagnosed with sepsis shock, and is currently hospitalized at Northside Hospital in Atlanta GA. She is 30 years old and married to Sung In (John) Paik who is serving for New Presbyterian church of Georgia as a Youth pastor and a full time student at Columbia theological Seminary and has a 2-year-old son Kevin, who was born in the US. When she was taken to the emergency room in Feb., 2014, she was 4-month-pregnant and had a miscarriage. Afterwards, her heart stopped twice, both times of which she was brought back by CPR, went through two major operations to amputate her both legs (knees down) and both hands, and miraculously recovered consciousness.
John and Shin Ae were born in Korea. When John was in college, he went on a trip to experience various regions in Asia, where he witnessed many people suffering and dying and was shocked to learn how so many people were hopeless because of lack of social infrastructure and education. With the vision to help those people and make the world a better human society, John and Shin came to the US to study international relations at University of Denver.
It was during their stay in Denver that John was called to serve God as a pastor. Although he was accepted at renowned Ivy League schools, he chose Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia, where he felt that God had called him to serve the community. Shin Ae was a woman with a small body but a big heart. Although she did not have access to a lot of resources as a wife of a full-time student, she never hesitated to help and share with others. That’s why everyone called her “Kind Shin Ae”. After sincere prayers, John and Shin Ae concluded that a real change in a greater society starts with small devotion and service to local communities. With John’s leadership in the Asian student association, the couple served as a bridge between the school, the American students, and the Asian students at Columbia. They also volunteered at a local church in need to pastor youth kids.
On February 18, 2014, 4 months into her pregnancy, Shin Ae was taken to the emergency room where she lost the baby. She was found to be suffering from a sepsis shock. The doctors expected her to live only one more day, or live in coma at best. Her friends and family started gathering together to pray for her, and the new soon spread to the Korean community all over America. There were gatherings and relays of prayers by churches and people. Miraculously, Shin recovered consciousness. Nevertheless, problems remained. Her hands and feet were severely infected and the infection was spreading. The doctors decided that her hands and legs would have to be amputated in order to stop the spread and save her life.
After a few times of surgery to cut off her hands and legs, Shin is recovering fast. The couple has a 2-year-old son, Kevin. Kevin has no idea what’s going on with his mom at the hospital. Currently, John’s parents are visiting from Korea to take care of Kevin, but they soon have to go back to attain a proper visa to stay longer with their grandson.
As an international student, Sung’s family lacks healthcare insurance to cover the immense medical costs. Problems only seem to accumulate. Shin is in need of finding a rehab facility and making prosthetic hand and legs. The family is in great need of care, prayers and resources. Although foreigners, they have volunteered to serve in local communities in need. Now, they are turning to the community for help.
1.Financial donations:
You can make a tax deductible donation. Please send a check to following address:
Pay to the Order of: Fishers of Men Mission Church
For: Shin Ae Kim and/or John Paik
Address: 604 Kirk Rd. #41
Decatur, GA 30030
2.Finding a rehabilitation facility. Shin Ae needs a good rehab program for her physical as well as mental recovery. We hope to find good facilities who would take her.
3.Sponsors for prosthetic legs and hands. There was a case of Ms. Aimee Copeland from 2012 who also went through amputation of her hands and legs. She was able to find sponsors for her prosthetics. We hope that there will be organizations/corporations or even individuals who would pay kind attention to Shin Ae.
4.To find out more ways to help, please contact David Jung at davidjung1978@hotmail.com or 678-972-3481.