2010년 새해를 맞이하신 모든 분들께 하나님의 축복이 임하시기를 축원합니다.

작년 한해에는 많은 청소년들이 하나님에게 헌신하기로 작정하는 성령의 역사들이 많이 있었던 한해였습니다. 올해에는 그 열매를 바라보는 한해가 되었으면 합니다.

달란트비유를 통해서 우리는 열매의 결과에 대하여 주님이 칭찬하시는 것을 잘 알고 기억하고 있습니다. 달란트를 받을 때에는 분명히 기뻐하면서 결단하고 결심하는 계획들이 있었습니다. 한 달란트, 두 달란트, 혹은 다섯 달란트를 받은 모든 종들은 그들만의 계획 있었을 것입니다. 두 달란트와 다섯 달란트를 받은 이들은 그 계획을 열심히 실행하여 그 결과 값으로 각각의 달란트에 2배를 남겼습니다. 하지만 한 달란트 받은 종은 땅에 묻어버리는 어리석은 실수를 했습니다.

새해가 되면 우리들은 많은 계획들을 세우고 지키려고 결단하는 시간을 보내기도 합니다. 하지만 그 시간은 오래가지 않아 언제 그런 계획들이 있었나 하면서 잊어버리든지, 내년을 계획하는 경우가 우리의 삶에 너무나 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있습니다.

사도바울이 말한 것처럼 우리의 목표를 마라톤을 하는 것처럼 끈기 있게 실행한다면 분명히 주님이 '착하고 충성된 종'으로 불러주실 것이라 믿습니다.

올해 2010년에는 끈기를 가지고 목표를 향해 주님과 함께 달려가셔서 결승점에 도달하시는 여러분이 되기를 주님의 이름으로 축원합니다.

Let there be God’s blessings to everyone and their families in the year of 2010.

Last year was a year full of devotions from many youths by the grace and works of the Holy Spirit.
I just hope that the upcoming year will be full of fruits from those devotions.

Through the parable of talents, we all know and remember that God praises us when we bare our fruits. We all had our moments when we made commitments and promised Him that we will follow in his footsteps when we received our talents. All the servants that received one talent, two talents, or even five talents surely had their own plans, promises, and commitments upon receiving them. The servants receiving more than one talent stayed committed to their plans, promises, and commitments. Their efforts and commitments lead them towards their rewards which gave them twice the profit of each talent. However, the servant that received only one talent thought he was wise by burying it in the ground. Unfortunately, his act was indeed full of foolishness as he did not receive ant rewards.

Upon the end of the year, we all had our experiences of planning for a New Year’s Resolutions. We plan those resolutions and promise ourselves that we will keep those promises and be committed to those resolutions. But as we all know, those New Year’s resolutions will last weeks or maybe even couple of days before we cannot keep those promises and commitments.

Paul said in the Bible to view our goals as if you were running in a marathon. If you are in a marathon, you have to be committed to yourself that you will finish that marathon no matter what happens. If we are committed to our devotions and work hard to bare fruits, we must finish that marathon. Upon reaching the finish line, He will be praised and He will view his servants as loyal and kind.

May God bless you that 2010 be the year you finish your marathon, a marathon that you run with Him, with persistence and commitments, to reach the finish line no matter what happens.