"가수가 되고픈 꿈은 이뤄졌지만, 하나님을 최고의 방식으로 섬기는 것이 제 인생의 최고우선순위이자 목표예요."

UCLA 정치학과를 졸업한 후, "테라피(Therapy)"라는 싱글앨범으로 최근 데뷔해 종횡무진 활동하고 있는 한인 2세 가수 키래이(Keyrei)는 그의 삶과 노래를 붙드시는 하나님의 은혜를 찬양하는 기특한 하나님의 딸이다.

키래이는 데뷔후 여러 다양한 행사에서 공연해왔으며, 폭스 KTTV, KLAV의 나이트 오버 라스베가스 위드 커맨더 등과 인터뷰도 했다. 그의 앨범 테라피는 10월부터 전국적인 라디오 프로모션 캠페인에 들어갔다.

싱어송라이터로서 앨범 수록곡 15곡 중 13곡을 직접 쓴 그는 곡을 만드는 과정에 하나님의 전폭적인 개입하심이 있었다고 고백한다.

"싱어송라이터로서, 처음에는 개인적으로 경험한 사랑과 우정에 대해서 쓰기 시작했어요. 그러나 앨범을 중간쯤 녹음했을때, 전 제 삶과 신앙에 있어서 전환점을 만났어요. 그때부터 하나님께서 저와 제 음악을 전적으로 통치하기 시작하셨습니다. 그후 쓰여진 모든 노래는 하나님께 영감을 받아 쓰여진 것입니다."

"처음에는 어떻게 영적으로 영감받은 가사와 댄스/일렉트로니카를 매치시킬 수 있을까 고민도 되었어요. 그러나 온전한 뜻과 계획을 가지고계신 하나님께서 제가 앨범 프로젝트를 성공적으로 잘 마칠 수 있도록 길을 닦아주셨어요. 그 기간 내내 전 하나님이 제 삶을 어떻게 영원히 바꿔놓으셨는지 찬양하고 영광을 돌리지 않을 수 없었습니다."

특별히 앨범 타이틀롤을 정할때 주저없이 택한 곡" 테라피"에는 특별한 은혜가 담겨있다. 키래이의 최대 후원자 중 한명인 아버지가 암 치료로 병원에 입원해계신 동안 쓰여졌던 곡인데, "하나님의 놀라운 사랑이 어떻게 아버지의 영적인 상태와 그녀의 무너진 마음을 진정으로 치료하실 수 있었는지"에 대한 경험을 노래하고 있다.

그외 트위스티드(Twisted, 영적 전쟁에 관해), 캡티베이티드(Captivated, 하나님의 매혹적인 사랑에 관해), 브레이크스루(Breakthrough, 관계와 신앙에 관해), 러브 센세이션(Love Sensation, 치료에 관해), 로스트 앤드 파운드(Lost and Found, 성령세례에 관해), 프리(Free, 하나님의 구원하시는 은혜에 관해) 등도 키래이의 신앙의 세계를 담고 있는 곡이다.

'아름다운 음악'이라는 고운 뜻을 가진 예명을 사용하는 키래이의 노래들은 삶에의 소망을 불어넣는 아름다운 내용의 가사를 가진 반면 멜로디와 곡조는 매우 감각적이다.키래이는 오늘날 문화산업이 돈, 섹스, 마약 등의 메시지에 집중하고 있는 가운데 젊은 세대들에게 긍정적인 메시지를 전파하고 싶다고 말한다.

"제 앨범은 어느 연령대의 청중에게든 다가갈 수 있는 앨범이라고 생각해요. 그렇지만 특히 젊은 세대들에게 어필하고 싶고, 바람직한 롤모델을 제시하고 싶어요. 사람들은 세속적인 대중가요를 듣고 있다 생각하지만, 그런 미디어 수단을 통해서 하나님께서 역사하실지도 모르잖아요."

키래이는 어려서부터 성가대 등의 활동을 통해 교회에서 노래해왔다. 그녀의 부모님은 키래이가 2살때 "예수 사랑하심은"의 4소절을 다 외어서 교회 전 회중 앞에서 노래했던 것을 아직도 기억한다. 키래이는 그 어린 시절부터 교회에서 하나님을 찬양하며 노래 실력을 닦아왔다.

UCLA를 졸업하고 변호사가 되기 위해 법학대학원을 다닐 뻔도 하였던 키래이는 "법학대학원에 안 간 것에 대해서는 전혀 후회가 없어요. 전 제가 싱어, 송라이터, 공연가로서 하는 일에 매우 열정을 가지고 있고, 지금까지 경험한 기회와 지지가 큰 축복이라고 생각해요."

"전 이렇게 생각해요. 하나님이 원하시면 문을 여실 것이라고 확신합니다. 만약 아니라면, 문을 닫아주시기를 기도합니다. 지금까지 하나님은 많은 문을 열어주셨고 전 하나님이 그만두라고 하실때까지 계속해나갈 생각이예요. 제 삶과 일을 통해서 하나님께 영광을 돌리기 원합니다. 만약 제 음악과 메시지로 단 한명의 영혼에게라도 다가갈 수 있다면, 그것은 하나님께서 찬양받으실 일입니다."

"싱어로 오랫동안 일하기 원하지만, 다 하나님의 계획하심에 달려있다고 생각해요. 하나님께서 어느날 모든 것을 다 그만두라고 하시면, 심지어 제 커리어가 최고의 절정에 이르렀다 할지라도 전 하나님이 요청하시대로 할 수 있는 자로 준비되기 원합니다. "

키래이는 앞으로 미국에서 계속 활동하면서 한국에까지 활동범위를 넓혀서 한국인들이 자랑스러워할만한 가수가 되고 싶다고 한다. 특별히 젊은 층을 위해 공연하면서 음악 뿐 아니라 삶과 신앙의 간증도 나누기 원한다.

갓 데뷔앨범을 발매하고 앞으로 더 많은 도전들을 눈 앞에 둔 키래이는 "하나님의 뜻이라면 더 많은 문들이 열릴 거예요. 전 그저 하나님께서 인도하시는대로 따라가려고 합니다"라고 겸손하게 말했다.

문의) keyreimusic@gmail.com, keyreimusic.com

아래는 인터뷰 전문:

▲열창하는 키래이

1. You penned 13 out of 15 songs from your debut ablum "Therapy." I heard your writing was inspired by your personal relationship with God. Can you share some more about this?

A: As a songwriter, I started out writing about my personal relationships in love and friendship. Halfway through recording my album, however, I reached a turning point in my life and faith. God took complete control over me and music from that moment on, and inspired every song ever written after. At first, I felt challenged and even questioned how I was going to pair spiritually inspired lyrics and "dance/electronica". But just as God has a perfect will and plan, he paved the way for me to finish my project, all the while expressing my praise and glory for Him and how He changed my life forever.

Out of the 13 songs I penned from debut album, these particular songs were directly inpsired by my faith:

Therapy- The first song I wrote after being in hospital with my father during his initial stages of cancer treatment. I was inspired to write the lyrics to this song after experiencing how God's amazing love truly healed my dad's spiritual state as well as my own brokeness. When deciding on the title for my album, I couldn't help but choose Therapy because the entire journey that God had me on throughout the process of making my album was truly "theraputic" in more ways than one!

Some other songs that were written after being saved include Twisted (about spiritual warfare), Captivated (about God's captivating love), Breakthrough (about relationships and faith), Love Sensation (about healing), Lost and Found (about baptism of the Holy Spirit), and Free (about God's saving grace). (For more details on songs, lyrics and meanings, please refer to my website www.keyreimusic.com under "about the music").

I did contemplate an aim at Gospel music, but I felt drawn to appease a more secular audience especially during current times where so much of the industry is focused on things like money, sex and drugs. I really wanted to portray a positive message with my music, especially for the younger generation, and hope that people will be "touched" in some way by listening to it. You never know how God can work through such media outlets, even if people think they are listening to secular pop music!

2. I heard you started to sing at church when you were very young. Can you share your experiences of singing at church?

A: I started singing in church pretty much even before I could form full sentences. My parents still talk about how I memorized all 4 verses of "Jesus Loves Me" and willingly performed in front of our entire church at the age of 2. Since then, I participated in church choirs growing up and more recently as part of praise teams at different churches.

I was never a praise leader or anything, so it is a little ironic that I stepped out of my shell this late in life, but better later than never, right?

3. You majored in political science at UCLA and was about to enter a law school before you decided to become a singer. Don't you have any regret about your decision? What does music mean to you?

A: I absolutely have no regrets on not attending law school! My parents perhaps do at times, but in the end I know they just want me to be happy. To be totally honest, even though becoming a lawyer may have guaranteed a stable life and income, my heart was never in it. I feel extremely passionate about what I do as a singer, songwriter and performer and am honored and blessed by the opportunity and support that I have received thus far.

I try to look at things like this: If God wants it for me, I'm sure He will open doors, and if not, I pray that He will keep them shut! So far, He has opened so many doors and I will continue to press on until He tells me to quit. I want to honor God in any way possible with my life and my work, and if I can reach even one more soul with my music and my message, praise the Lord!

Although being a singer is a dream come true, serving God the best way I can is my main priority and goal in life. I hope to be doing this for a long time, but again, it all depends on God's plan. He may tell me to give it all up one day, even at the peak of my career, but I want to be prepared to do whatever He asks. I am truly grateful everyday for this blessing.

4. What are some good points about your music?

A: Some good points about my music are as follows: The message in my lyrics are uplifting and positive, but the melodies and tunes are very catchy as well. I feel that no matter who you are, or what age you are, there is something for everyone in the album. You have dance rhythms ranging from trance, house, drum and bass to bossa nova beats and jazzy touches. I hope to attract a wide range of people with my music, but especially the younger generations serving as a positive role model for them.

5. Had there been any hardship before the album was successfully releaseed since you determined to become a singer? I guess there might have been some gracious stories behind the scences.

A: I have definitely had some hardships during this incredible journey. My father, who is one of my top supporters and fans, has been ill with multiple cancers, but as an amazing fighter he has inpsired me to continue pursuing this dream despite his sickness. Of course there have been times where I wanted to drop everything and just be with him and my family, but he encouraged me to take it all the way and that is exactly what I plan to do.

Being an independent artist has also presented some challenges, but again, by the grace of God I have and am continuing to meet and work with such talented people. These days, especially with the way the music industry is tailored, indepenent artists have to pretty much "shrink wrap" their entire career and project. This means, to garner any attention from larger labels, all initiatives are on you, from production, engineering, packaging and most importantly getting a FAN BASE.

I was completly new to the game, but with hard work, lots of research, encouragement, and prayers, I finished my album in just under one year. Again, this never could have been accomplished without God's help. There are still lots of hurdles I am currently facing with marketing and promotions, all of which end up being the most costly, but I know and trust that if it His will, more doors will be opened. I am just here to follow His lead.

6. What is your future vision as a singer?

A: In the future, I hope to continue performing locally and expand all the way back to my home country of Korea. I grew up there, and my heart is truly for the people and although I am not your typically bred Korean artist, I hope to bring something unique, fresh and positive to my people. Ultimately, I want to make them proud! Don't we all?

I would love to collaborate with different artists and producers, both Korean and non-Korean alike, but it is also a dream of mine to perform for youth groups all over and give my testimony as well as share my music with them. Until then, I will continue to gig, hone my skills as a performer and songwriter, and most importanly, live a life that is pleasing to God!