Theodore Lim
(Photo : Christianity Daily) Dr. Theodore Lim (L.A. Global Mission Church)

It was emerged as a critical social issue that Mark Ramseyer of Harvard Law School defined Japanese military sexual slavery as a 'prostitutes' in his paper. It is no doubt but to receive the tremendous wrath from the parties who lived whole life of abandoned by unintentionally becoming Japanese military sexual slavery. No matter what, they are the living witness and its history as long as the matter of Japanese military sexual slavery. Many of the victims have already passed away with resentment, but it was an indescribable history of suffering for the most survivors.

Aside the damage of the war that Japanese imperialism committed in human history, the war crimes they committed to neighboring countries such as Korea are clearly evidenced by the eyes of history. However, they are consistent with their brazen attitude of denying, distorting and making excuses for even such obvious historical facts in a blindfolded way. Has been like killing the victims twice, Ramseyer's deposition should also be seen as an extension of the historical perception that majority of the Japanese people show. It is even no longer worthy of anger or refuting on their repeated distortions of history.

The Japanese distortion of history begins with beautifying all the events that led to their invasion of other countries. This act of distortion is also not hesitant to use the so-called "history distortion cartel" which puts Japanese people as well as foreigners who directly or indirectly sympathize with it. They are helping Japan rewrite and launder history after destroying it, and are taking the lead in representing Japan abroad. Some even receive a large sum of money in the name of donations from war criminal companies and act as trumpets for the Japanese Empire. In this respect, without expecting a scholar's conscience, professor Ramseyer can never be free from this kind of criticism.

The president of Harvard University, where he serves, seems to disregard his views as freedom of expression and learning. However, truth, conscience and justice exist in the academic world even though it emphasizes the freedom. If it is a biased argument that denies and distorts the truth, it should not be allowed to stay around for the purpose of historical justice. Where could he find the truth on this issue by turning away the living witnesses for the Japanese military sexual slavery? In that sense, his article is nothing more than a "Gerrymandering" paper which was recorded by referring and investigating only what he wanted.

In specific, the argument of Ramseyer lacked basic point of view that Japanese military sexual slavery problem is war crimes against women. His way of understanding the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery as women prostitutes based on voluntary agreement between the prostitutes and their dealers could not make sense at all considering the victims who even did not know the reason to be enslaved. Although it should be defined as a matter of human rights violations or sexual exploitation of women, describing it as voluntary prostitution is a defamation that cannot be overlooked. This is not just a conflict between Korea and Japan, but an anti-humanitarian and anti-ethical war crime by the Japanese Empire against humanity.

I hope Ramseyer approaches the victims to feel and understand the victims' pains since he mentioned that he did not communicate with nor heard the story from them directly about Japanese military sexual slavery for his writing. This is because his reputation in history can last long, although he may have little time to write the paper. It is hoped that the U.S., which has been the forefront in promoting human rights around the world, will be able to actively intervene and boldly solve the problem regardless of its national interests. Furthermore, I hope that all citizens of the world can understand and share the pain of victims through clear and unbiased recognition for the issue of Japanese military sexual slavery.