나성세계로교회 임지석 목사
(Photo : Christianity Daily) Dr. Theodore Lim (L.A. Global Mission Church) 

Professor Leonard Sweet, a Christian futurist, diagnoses that there is no Jesus in church today. He is one of the most influential Christians in the United States as a professor Emeritus of Drew Seminary. He says the church is obsessed with Jesus Deficit Disorder, citing a personality disorder whose children cannot concentrate on something. In short, the church is too much influenced by worldly values.

Dr. Sweet mentions a single example of this degenerating in the church. When we go to church, there are programs that deal with leadership or pastoral or missionary strategies rather than preaching the gospel itself. So it's not new that experts from world-renowned business groups come to the church and have a conference. The obvious fact is that you can't expect these people to talk about the Bible, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit in the church. What does this church without Jesus mean for the believers in this age? It means a lost faith and a coreless belief. There exists a form of church, but Jesus, the head of the church, does not exist. So many things are reigning in the church as its head. These values in the world are considered as ideal ones, and that's why churches are so busy in establishing these values.

We need Jesus more than anything else. All we need is nothing but Jesus. There should be a life where you experience Jesus through your heart rather than a logical life through your head for the believers. I mean, we should not be a lip-synching singer with no life and only have a shape. It is a dead church when Jesus, the life of church, is absent. The church must have Jesus, not artificially wrapped through human thought, but who lives from the beginning until now and forever. For the church to live in its entirety, it takes Jesus to His place and recognizes His headship in the church.